【同义词辨析】 2017-09-29 对待treat-handle
treat: in the sense of doing about, serving or coping with, is usually accompanied by context indicating attitude, temperament or point of view that determines behavior or manner: ~ the subject realistically in the essay.
deal: suggests a managing, controlling or authoritative disposing of: ~ with each problem as it arose.
handle: usually suggests manipulation, and a using, directing or disposing with or as if with hand: ~ an ax skillfully.
treat对待处理: 对待招待(serve人),或处理(cope with物),通常需上下文(即副词状语)来表明态度性格观点, deal处置: 具有权威的管控处置能力,handle操作: 就像用手来使用指导处置(use,direct,dispose),即操纵。
记忆方法: 1) TDH联想成Tian He Di,天和地==>处理人事俯仰不愧天地
2)处理的意思是以某种方式应对mean to have to do with in a specified manner.